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European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Things to be aware.

In an era of digital transformation, heavy utilization of digital assets and services, digital marketing, big data etc creates a need for data capturing. Now a days captured data is stored in multiple forms in multiple devices including handheld devices.

Data breaches do happen. Information gets lost, stolen or even released into the hands of people who were never intended to see it. Whatever personal data is collected, stored, used, and finally deleted or destroyed, privacy concerns rise.

Businesses are accountable for monitoring and protecting that data on an ongoing basis, to provide customers with trust and confidence, which is currently diminishing in businesses.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of rules about how companies should process the personal data of data subjects. The European Union GDPR affects every organization, big and small, that processes EU personal data. GDPR protects user data in just about every conceivable way. The GDPR operates with an understanding that data collection and processing provides the basic mechanism that most businesses run on, but it also attempts to protect that data every step of its way while giving the consumer ultimate control over what happens to it.

GDPR is the most strict regulation which has come out within the past few decays.

In order to be GDPR compliant, a company must not only handle consumer data carefully but also provide them with ways to control, monitor, check and, if desired, delete any information pertaining to them that they want.

GDPR lays out responsibilities for organisations to ensure the privacy and protection of personal data, provides data subjects with certain rights, and assigns powers to regulators to ask for demonstrations of accountability or even impose fines in cases where an organisation is not complying with GDPR requirements. Under the terms of GDPR, not only will organisations have to ensure that personal data is gathered legally and under strict conditions, but those who collect and manage it will be obliged to protect it from misuse and exploitation, as well as to respect the rights of data owners or face penalties for not doing so.

Companies that wish to stay in compliance must implement processes to ensure that when data is handled, and it remains protected. There is also an opportunity for significant process improvement for those companies that standardizes the requirements for privacy and data protection, which will also increase the efficiency of the organizational performance and minimize the risk of non compliance.

The GDPR was adopted by the EU Council and Parliament in April 2016, and will take effect in every EU member state in May 2018.



GDPR outlines the six principles that should be applied to any collection or processing of personal data.

·        Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.

·        Personal data can only be  collected  for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.

·        Personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for processing.

·        Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date.

·        Personal data must be kept in a form such that the data subject can be identified only as long as is necessary for processing.

·        Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures its security.

The data controller is responsible for demonstrating this, and they must secure the same assurances from any external data processors with whom they contract.

The processor is a person or an organization that process the data on behalf of the controller. The controller is a person or an organization who determine what happens to the personal data



The GDPR applies to organisations within the European Union (EU), and to any external organisations that are trading within the EU. It also covers other residents of the EU, including refugees, people on work and travel visas, those with residency, and so on, and could also be applied to non-EU residents whose personal data is held and/or processed within the EU. At the same time it has not distinguished between data subjects on the basis of nationality or location.

GDPR states that both the data controller and the data processor are liable in the event of a data breach.

The GDPR states that the personal data it is concerned with is any information relating to an ‘’identified or identifiable natural’’ person (‘data subject’); that is a person who can be identified by a unique identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.

This extended list indicates that the data commonly used, may no longer be suitable for distribution or sharing in public. Therefore, any information that could be used to identify the data subject should be subject to the same protections.



Certification bodies involved in certification schemes in accordance with the Regulation, can face fines if they do not comply with their responsibilities. The data controller, any number of data processors involved in the data breach, the certification body that approved the data processing, all can be penalized if they are found to be guilty.

Since the administrative penalties can be applied so broadly, it is very important to understand what your obligations and exposure are. It is also important to remember that these penalties are in addition to any other fines or legal costs that you may incur following a data breach.


Data subjects’ rights

The expanded rights granted to data subjects, will give them more control over their data and give them a better understanding of what is being done with it.

·        The right to be informed

GDPR states the information you should provide and when individuals should be informed. The right to be informed encompasses your obligation to provide ‘fair processing information’,  typically through a privacy notice. It emphasizes the need for transparency over how you use personal data. The information you supply about the processing of personal data must be: concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible; written in clear and plain language, particularly if addressed to a child; and free of charge.

·        The right of access

Individuals have a right to know what personal data of theirs is being stored and how it is being processed. They can also ask for their data to be corrected if it is wrong. There is now also a requirement for data portability, meaning individuals can request their data to be delivered in a structured and commonly used file format, so that it can be transferred to some other organisation.

·        The right to rectification

Data subjects are entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

·        The right to erasure

Also known as ‘’right to be forgotten’’ gives the data subject the right to request the deletion or removal of the personal data where there is no requirement for continued processing. Individuals may withdraw their consent to processing their data at any time, and ask the data controller to erase their personal data. This must be done without undue delay. Data controller must take reasonable steps to inform third parties to remove any copies of that data held with them. It is quite likely that the data protection authority in your country will still want to see that continued effort has been taken to ensure that all appropriate technical and procedural measures to erase the data have been employed. 

·        The right to restrict processing

GDPR rules that personal data shall only be stored and processed to the extent where it is necessary to the explicit purpose for which the data was originally collected. Data shall also not be stored longer than is necessary, which means many organisations will need to take a good, hard look at their Big Data programs. Also individuals can also restrict processing their data to certain purposes such as direct marketing.

Data subject has the rights to restrict the processing , where you are permitted to store the data , but not further process it. This ensures retainment of just enough information about the individual to respect the restriction is respected in further.

·        The right to data portability

The right to data portability allows data subjects to request a copy of any personal data held on them, and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services.

It allows them to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindrance to usability. Also request that this information is transmitted to another data controller.

·        The right to object

Data subjects have the right to object to processing unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for processing. Where personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, data subjects have the right to object at any time to the processing.

·        Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

Data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing,  including profiling, unless the data subject has given explicit consent, or where the processing is authorized by contract or in law.

GDPR has increased the rights of data subjects. From the organization’s point of view, this means that it will need to ensure that is clear about what data that it is collecting and what it will be using it for.

If data subjects believe that their rights are breached, they will be able to seek judicial remedies against controllers and processors, and will also have the right to seek compensation from them for the damages arising from breaches of the GDPR. They also have the right to lodge a complaint with their relevant data protection authority if GDPR is believed to be breached.



The data subject’s consent means any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes to process personal data. In addition for special categories of personal data such as health, genetic, racial or ethnic, sexual orientation, political opinions, biometric etc, will need explicit consent from data subject, as processing of these data is prohibited.

Data controllers will have to ensure that they secure clear and unambiguous consent from the data subject before processing personal data. Processing cannot proceed unless the data subject has consented to every processing activity. Children under 16 are also no longer able to consent to having their personal data processed.

GDPR requires that the consent document be laid out in simple terms, should be clear, concise and not be conditioned. Documentation of consent is important as the withdrawal of the consent and there should be easy ways laid out for this process.


Lawful processing

Controllers are accountable for ensuring that personal data is lawfully, fairly and transparently processed.

Personal data can only be processed for limited purposes, to a minimal extent and accurately. This ties into the requirement for transparency: the data subject must be aware of the nature of the processing, which will inform the ‘limited purposes’ and ‘minimal extent’.


Retention of data

Personal data can also only be retained for limited periods, which should be clear to the data subject at the  point  at  which  they consent. Regardless of the length of the retention confidentiality and integrity must be secured, including against accidental loss, destruction or damage. This is very important and should be an extremely high priority and the organizations suppliers and partners also understand and implement this.


The “one-stop shop”

The Regulation is intended to be a single scheme, applied consistently across the EU in order to maintain a common market and support the free flow of information.

Each state will determine a number of supervisory authorities or data protection authorities, who will be the local point of contact for all GDPR issues. This is the “one-stop shop” mechanism, which is intended to reduce the bureaucratic load involved in dealing with potentially complex issues.  Each state will also determine a lead supervisory authority or data protection authority, which will appoint a member to the EU Data Protection Board described above.

non-unitary states may choose to operate these authorities on a regional basis, with a lead supervisory authority established at the national level. Organisations processing personal data across a number of EU member states will deal with the data protection authority in their primary jurisdiction.

Data controllers are regulated by a lead authority located in the territory of their main establishment, although local authorities may deal with local cases. If a concerned supervisory authority objects to a lead authority’s draft decision, the case shall be referred to the consistency mechanism for a binding decision by the European Data Protection Board. Any European Data Protection Board binding decision can be appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union.


Records of data processing activities and Documentation

GDPR requires every data controller to retain a record of its data processing activities. This record needs to contain a specific set of information such that it is clear what data is being processed, where it is processed, how it is processed and why it is processed.

Data processors are also required to keep records of all processing carried out on behalf of a data controller. These records need to be made available to the supervisory authority on request.

In addition to the explicit and implicit requirements for the maintenance of specific records, should able to demonstrate that you have documented/evidence that best practices are consistently applied, that you have an audit trail showing that you notified the required authorities and any affected data subjects within the required timeframes, and that you have taken all the appropriate steps to mitigate the impacts of the data breach. Including, proof of consent from data subjects.


Data protection impact assessments

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) are now mandatory for technologies and processes that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights of data subjects.

This includes processes, not just applications, if any of the processes concerned resulted in a loss of data protection, and the organization have not addressed this “by design and by default”, then the organization is likely to be held liable in the event of a data breach.

In line with the data protection by design and by default strategies, organisations should ensure that a DPIA is part of their risk assessment process regarding personal data, and data controller is responsible for ensuring that DPIAs are conducted.


Controller/processor contracts

When it come to controller outsource/contracts with a processor to process personal data, the processor should provide significant guarantee that adequate security measures (including technical and organizational) will be complied according to GDPR requirements in protecting the rights of the data subjects. If the processor requires contracting another processor for the same requirement, the same guarantee should be given by the second processor and this cannot happen without the authorization of the controller.

Contractual arrangements are reviewed and updated to ensure that responsibilities and liabilities between the controller and processor are stipulated as per requirements. At the same time the data controller is held accountable for failures of any data processor.


Data breaches

As part of best practice there should be processes in place to make notifications in the event of a data breach. Data breach reports must be made within 72 hours of the data controller becoming aware of the breach. If the breach supposes to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects, they must be contacted “without undue delay”.


Encryption, Cookies and IP Address

it is a legal requirement that all cryptography modules must be Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 compliant. Encryption should be applied to storage of personal data, and for establishing secure connections when personal data is transmitted.

The GDPR itself mentions cookies as an online identifier, which means it is considered as personal data and, therefore, the data subject must consent. Therefore all of the cookie notifications will need to follow the normal rules for consent, but there are exemptions for this under certain conditions.

GDPR consider cookies and IP addresses to be personal data. Also states that organizations that use IP addresses to do anything other than deliver content need to ensure that consent is sought and gained.


International transfers

The GDPR deals specifically with situations where a controller or processor intends to transfer personal data outside the EU. Such international transfers are only legal if they comply with the conditions stated in GDPR. These conditions require specific safeguards to be in place, including on the basis that data subject rights and effective legal remedies are available.

international transfers can only take place if the controller or processor has put in place legally binding and enforceable arrangements to protect the rights of EU data subjects. As the controller and processor are accountable for the personal data they are processing, any agreement to transfer that data to a third party, outside the arrangements identified in the GDPR, will be illegal. This is particularly important when considering Cloud providers. It is important to keep in mind that regulations covering international transfers are subject to the highest administrative penalty.



GDPR has come in to place as a savior for the long frustrated data owners, who were affected/ ignored by the corporate’s, who have not given (most) sufficient considerations for privacy and protection for the personal data. This big hope of privacy can only see the light if it is implemented without compromise, which we will have to wait and see the success of it

This regulation has turned many things to relook at, including the current hypes such as big data, data analysis, digital marketing, multi sourcing etc. where personal data is compelled to given consideration more seriously than ever before.

Organizations also need to review various contracts with third parties in ensuring that service-level agreements, procurementing, outsourcing processes, are reviewed in line with the requirements of the GDPR. In addition, also need to check your suppliers of Cloud services, remote servers etc in line with this.

In addition organizations need to relook at the process, procedures and contracts in handling personal data, in line with GDPR to avoid non compliance and threatening penalties.


Source: EU GDPR

by N Nirmalan

(This article was already published on 10th May 2018 on BCS Sri Lanka Section Newsletter)

